Fałszywe Przekierowanie Stack Exchange: Przekierowywanie Przetłumaczonych Forów Stack Exchange
Fake Stack Exchange Redirect is a Chrome extension developed by Yolopix. It falls under the category of Browsers and is specifically categorized as an Add-ons & Tools subcategory. This free extension automatically redirects users from websites displaying translated Stack Exchange questions to the corresponding Stack Exchange forum.
The main purpose of Fake Stack Exchange Redirect is to ensure that users are redirected to the original question page on the official Stack Exchange forum, such as Stack Overflow. By doing so, it eliminates the need for users to navigate through translated versions of the forums, ensuring that they can access the original content directly.
Currently, the extension only supports redirections from QA Stack, but the developer has plans to extend compatibility to more websites in the future. The source code of this extension is also available on GitHub for those interested in exploring it further.
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